The Dojang, A Martial Arts Community
Located inside the Tucson Racquet Club, The Dojang provides an unparalleled Tae Kwon Do experience that draws upon 8th Associate Grand Master Instructor/Owner Marie Daranyi's background in martial arts, education, philosophy, coaching, exercise physiology and athletic training. The study of Tae Kwon Do at The Dojang provides comprehensive training of the mind, body, and spirit and is as rewarding as it is demanding. Students who train in The Dojang grow and develop as martial artists, athletes, and as human beings. In our Children's Program, Black Belts and senior ranking students assist with instruction in a formal martial arts training environment. The training is rigorous, challenging, and fun, yet requires a total commitment to high standards. There are many benefits available to students through full and active participation. Classes are offered for students ages 5 and up with four classes a week dedicated to adults only.
The Dojang is a traditional Tae Kwon Do school affiliated with the United Tae Kwon Do Chung Do Kwan Association based out of Long Island, New York. Belt promotion and ranking tests are administered three times each year by 8th Degree Associate Grand Master Marie Daranyi and 9th Degree Grand Master Hyun Ok Shin.
Inside the Tucson Racquet Club, 4001 N. Country Club, Tucson, AZ 85716 Phone: (520) 403-1911
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Site Last Updated: 3.7.2025